Service Manager - Better Views Documentation

If you ever worked on Service Manager reports and got your hands on their documentation, you know it is all in one long TXT file, which is not ideal. Have you ever wished it would be more like the other modules of Sage, XML files that can be browsed by view or table name, and you can see all fields of a view or table in a separate page? Something like this?

I had the same issue, and in short, now you can have better documentation. If you just want to download the AOM, scroll down for the link. Note that this AOM is not endorsed by Sage, Technisoft, or Optimize Business Consulting, and is provided as-is with no guarantees of any sort. The purpose is to make working with Service Manager easier.

At first, I tried to generate the AOM myself, and got 99% of the way to succeeding, but wasn't able to determine the table names using the AccpacCOMAPI library that I typically use for most of my projects. I contacted Sage to help me find the missing info, and it seems there is no way to get it using the COM API. So instead, Sage support kindly sent me their own View Doc generator, which I used to create the documentation for the Service Manager views and tables.

Click here to download it and enjoy.